
Chocolate praline tart

Easy Food Recipes and Cooking - Chocolate praline tart

Chocolate praline tart

Serves 6
plain flour 225g + extra for dusting
salt a pinch
unsalted butter 100g, chilled and cubed (try President available at gourmet stores)
ice cold water 3-4 tbsp, or as required

salted butter 30g
almonds 100g, chopped
sugar 100g

dark chocolate 200g, fi nely chopped (try Morde or Valrhona available at gourmet stores)
low-fat cream 300g
unsalted butter 40g

To make the pastry, sift the fl our and salt into a large bowl, add the butter and rub in with your fi ngertips  until the mixture resembles fi ne breadcrumbs. Alternatively, run the fl our and butter in a food processor until  you get a breadcrumb-like mix.

Add 1 tbsp of chilled water at a time to make a fi rm dough. Turn out the dough onto a lightly fl oured surface, and knead briefl y to bring together. Wrap in cling-fi lm and chill for at least 30 minutes. Roll out on  a lightly fl oured surface to line a baking tin. Blind bake at 180°C for about 25-30 minutes, until light golden  brown. Cool completely before fi lling.

To make the praline, place the butter in a saucepan with the almonds and roast for a few minutes until  fragrant. Add the sugar and stir continuously until the sugar melts, coats the nuts, and turns golden brown.  Make sure it doesn’t burn.

Turn onto a tray lined with parchment paper immediately and spread carefully with an offset spatula. Cool  completely. Chop into small pieces once cool. The praline can be made ahead and stored in an airtight  container in a cool place.

Make the fi lling using a doubleboiler. Place all the ingredients together in a large steel bowl and place it over  a saucepan of simmering water. Keep stirring at regular intervals until well combined. Whisk well to make it smooth and glossy. Cool for about 30 minutes.

In order to assemble the tart, scatter some praline over the base of the tart shell. Pour the slightly cooled  ganache over the praline and gently spread with a butter knife. Scatter more praline over the top and  refrigerate until set.