Mini Banoffee Pies

Easy Food Recipes and Cooking - Mini Banoffee Pies
Serves 8

Mini Banoffee Pies

For the base
40g (1½oz) buaer, melted
75g (3oz) digestive biscuits, crushed

For the topping
50g (2oz) butter
50g (2oz) light muscovado sugar
1×397g tin caramel
4 small bananas
200ml (7fl oz) double cream, lightly whipped
25g (1oz) square of dark chocolate

1. You will need eight 7cm (2½-in) cooking rings,arranged on a baking sheet. To make the bases, mix the melted butter with the crushed biscuits and stir until combined. Spoon evenly between the rings and press down with the back of a spoon. Chill while you make the topping.

2. Melt the butter in a saucepan then add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Add the caramel and stir until combined. Simmer for 1 minute then set aside to cool for a few minutes.

3. Pour the sauce into the rings on top of the biscuit base and chill for about 1 hour or until the toffee has just set. Slice the banana and arrange on top, then spoon or pipe over the cream. Slide a fish slice under each ring and move to serving plates. Remove the rings and finely grate chocolate on top of each pie to garnish.

4. Serve chilled